
Buffett Has ‘Nowhere to Hide’ Amid Berkshire’s Plunge - (Bloomberg)

I find it most amusing in the article that "...Just six of 1,591 U.S. stock mutual funds with at least $250 million in assets made money for investors last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg."

Many people participate in this game because it is so easy to be involved, but professional money managers that really shine are probably less than the number of professional NBA basketball players.

It just strengthen my believe that nothing is absolute about investment. And to be a great money manager, it requires dedicated work, good coaching, and natural talent like any outstanding sports player.

I would also recommend the book "The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life". In the book, it shows that his success is a result of his dedication and hard work
since his early ages.

Buffett Has ‘Nowhere to Hide’ Amid Berkshire’s Plunge

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